
What are the most important elements of interior design in 2021?

By Lorena Fulgini
18 June 2021



Minimalism, eco-sustainability and personalization: this trio is the most comprehensive key to interpreting the most important interior design elements of 2021.

Over the last two years we have witnessed and taken part in significant changes in the design of living spaces, linked to lifestyles that now have new needs: the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced - and will continue to influence for a long time - the world of furnishing.

Reconnection with the natural dimension through materials and objects inspired by an organic world, more fluid and multifunctional spaces redesigned for pleasant living.

This is the direction in which those in the industry are moving, suggesting the way to go if we are thinking about restyling.

To complete an already rich style panorama, one that is constantly evolving and influenced by the most diverse needs, there are a number of interior design elements that are enjoying great success in 2021.

In this article, let's discover together the most significant interior design proposals of 2021, so we can understand how best to create environments that respect high standards in terms of customization, practicality and aesthetics.

What are the most important elements of interior design in 2021?


Smart home, domotics within everyone's reach

The theme of minimalism, so acclaimed in 2021, goes hand in hand with another highly topical subject: domotics, increasingly present in every home.

Far from being a purely aesthetic concept, technology is an extremely interesting chapter.

In an increasingly connected world, the home is becoming smarter and smarter, helping to make an intimate environment, synonymous with relaxation par excellence, one that is even more practical and comfortable.

Simplifying everyday gestures by automating an ever-increasing number of actions: this is the aim of home automation, which enters our homes in a wide variety of ways.

Systems that regulate light and temperature, that cheer up our return home with our favorite music, but that also raise and lower blinds and control household appliances, in a dimension that leads us to functionality in its highest expression.

This aspect of practicality is also linked to the theme of sustainability, since choosing a smart home is equivalent to making a responsible choice in terms of energy saving: less waste and greater control make the home more liveable.


Moodboard: the ideal tool for creating harmony

After taking a cue from seasonal trends and understanding which style we prefer, we often wonder what the best solution is to create aesthetically consistent environments that meet all the standards we expect to find in our ideal home.

The answer is very simple: why not rely on an interior designer who knows how to balance our ideas and their suggestions on a moodboard.

What does that mean?

It is nothing more than an initial brainstorming phase in which thoughts, colors, images and materials are brought together to form a vision of the final project that is as true as possible.

This is a very important starting point as it really helps us define which elements of interior design are most suitable for the style we wish to recreate.


Moodboard: the ideal tool for creating harmony


Marble, the return of a great classic

One the most important interior design elements of 2021 is marble: a solid, vivid, highly appreciated material that has been returning to adorn the rooms of the house for some years now.

Initially used mainly in kitchens and bathrooms for both wall and floor coverings, marble is now also being used in other rooms, becoming a perfect ally for creating and enhancing living areas with a contemporary character and dining rooms of unquestionable elegance.

If we wish to achieve a lighter visual effect, we can use marble sparingly, introducing small details: lamps, vases, mirrors, candleholders or an elegant coffee table.

Suitable for classic settings but also for more modern atmospheres, marble is can appear throughout the home in its most popular variants with a black, white, blue or green background brightened by contrasting streaks.

But that's not all.

Marble breaks the stylistic codes by offering an alternative and unusual variant that has been gaining a lot of attention for some time now wallpaper which faithfully reproduces the material texture of this special material.


Marble, the return of a great classic


Eco-sustainability, interior design that respects the environment

The search for innovative materials and the elimination of production waste form a vision that becomes an objective: production with low environmental impact: a commendable choice, which does not mean giving up the creation of refined furnishing accessories.

The transformation of polluting materials into prestigious furniture is the new frontier of interior design in 2021: an ecological trend that combines respect for the environment, functionality and modernity.

And the ways of recycling are truly endless: glass bottles, aluminum cans and newsprint are reborn in new forms, giving life to unique and contemporary designs.

An increasingly responsible path, focused on the protection of the planet, which also focuses its energies on an increasingly reduced use of plastic.

In addition to the finished product, the interior design world makes sure that the entire design, production and disposal process complies with sustainability standards.

This is an important step in a direction that brings important and topical issues closer to a world that is not only attentive to purely aesthetic aspects. 


Eco-sustainability, interior design that respects the environment


Sofas and armchairs, the love of wraparound shapes

Some interior design trends of 2020 continue to make their influence felt this year: the great love for softly shaped furniture that immediately gives a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Sofas with sinuous shapes chaise lounges and wraparound armchairs tastefully and elegantly furnish the living area, creating a sense of peace and serenity.

This trend is perfectly in line with the much sought-after fluidity of spaces, in a project that is increasingly directed towards the creation of living comfort, which is ultimately one of the most desired aspects during restyling operations.


Sofas and armchairs, the love of wraparound shapes


Interior design 2021: a mix of complementary elements

There are many interior design elements that are making a strong impression in 2021, gaining acceptance from both end customers and industry professionals.

The success of marble, the love of furnishings with rounded lines, the growing presence of domotics in homes, the interest in eco-sustainability: a varied set which, however, wants to communicate a unity of vision in its final intention.

These apparently disconnected aspects are actually united by a common and precise aim: to create a comfortable and elegant environment that exudes the warmth of the home.


Interior design 2021: a mix of complementary elements


Scenic effect: focus on a single piece

The 2021 trends in interior design highlight a marked return to minimalism and essentiality, in a design scheme that envisages increasingly linear, liveable and fluid environments that guarantee maximum levels of functionality.

In this vision of simplicity, designers suggest the introduction of one or a few impactful elements: a shapely armchair, elegant, a majestic table that catalyze attention and gives character to the environment.

The entire mood of the room revolves around a predefined detail, in which the furnishings, the chosen color tones, the wall coverings and the lighting all blend together, creating a perspective and aesthetic balance.

The palette of nuances is also in line with the same mood, proposing delicate, neutral tones that are easy to combine with impressive furnishing elements: the choice of a light hue, for example, is able to lend greater emphasis to a more important piece of furniture which, perhaps, we want to take center stage.

With this in mind, it is necessary to learn the valuable art of balancing. This will enable us to bring all the elements together harmoniously, creating functionally and aesthetically balanced environment.

Lorena Fulgini

Co-founder, Marketing Manager and Sales manager, Lorena loves the elegant design of furniture and precious details.
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