
5 Reasons to love a contemporary interior design style

By Jelena Raicevic
29 August 2022



No furniture style has ever been so versatile and innovative as contemporary interior design
. Contemporary interior design is devised to always be up-to-date and bring constant innovation.

Today’s homes are not so static and unmovable as they once were. Our parents and grandparents bought their furniture thinking it would last for the rest of their lives, and they had no clue about constant home restyling.

Today, interior design gives us the chance to rethink our spaces with flexibility and in ways available to everyone.

Specifically, contemporary design is perfect for all those people who feel the need to “change” to feel at home again. This furniture style combines instances and inspiration from art, nature and the most sophisticated architecture. It is functional and classy and it meets the needs of any type of public.

With contemporary interior design, you can customize the interiors of your home to follow your passions and your personality. You won’t have to live in anonymous spaces any longer: everything will be in line and harmony with your personality, whilst complying to the canons of simplicity and elegance.

Once you go over the main features of this style, you’ll fall right in love with its unique, cool, unmistakable and cutting-edge traits.

Contemporary interior design: reasons to love it


1. Less hoarding and more simplicity

What is more beautiful and fascinating than getting back to basics? Hoarding is never synonym with elegance and sophistication. Essentiality is. Normally, hoarding is associated with confusion and disorder. And this concept is not entirely wrong.

However, rules are rules in interior design. Whatever style you choose, the harmony between the parts should always come first, so as not to create a sense of confusion in anyone glancing at the room. And creating harmony in a room too chaotic and full of things is very hard.

Luckily, one of the main rules of contemporary interior design is simplicity when creating spaces. Smooth and clean surfaces, free from excessive home décor are a must in this style.

Never dare to associate the simplicity and minimalism of the contemporary style with cold, aseptic, unadorned rooms, reduced to the essentials and lacking in personality. This is not the simplicity we are talking about, far from it!

Contemporary living is based on simple, clean lines, neutral wall colours such as total white or various shades of beige and grey, and squared furniture with compact and geometric shapes, but the rooms are harmonious because the design is dynamic, not static.

The strength lies in the balance and coexistence of the various elements: simplicity and luxury details, a leading palette in light colours and the addition of darker hues to give depth or to create a focal point.

This is the case with the sofas from the Adora Atmosfera collection, which charm with their very special, almost undefined colour point, halfway between petrol and teal, which give the room a chic and sophisticated appearance.

Vertical and horizontal quilting become the decorative patterns of the seats, while the reflections of the central gilded plate match perfectly with cushions and other golden details.

Such a sofa manages to combine design and comfort perfectly, carefully balancing colours and attention-grabbing details such as the gilded plates, and simplicity of the lines.

The contemporary style plays specifically on unexpected combinations and on the inclusion of unusual details. These details take on value specifically from the contrast with the neutral background of the walls or with the smooth, homogeneous surfaces of certain contemporary materials, such as resin, micro-concrete or seamless stoneware.


2. Art comes into your home

Another characteristic feature of contemporary interior design is the attention to wall decorations. In this case too, less is more, and quality is always central. The resulting visual impact will be large and completely empty walls, perhaps in a neutral palette, with a single bolder element in the middle, inspired by contemporary trends.

For instance, a contemporary art painting with an abstract theme will be perfect to decorate the wall behind your living room couch.

Or, instead of an actual painting, you could opt for a print or a photographic portrait of landscapes or metropolitan areas. The important thing is that the element is unique, impactful and high-quality.

If you love art and stylish choices, this aspect of contemporary interior design will help you free your creativity and passion, by choosing a single quality item.


Art comes into your home


3. Functional and classy

The combination of simple design and large spaces means functionality.

To grasp this concept, try to think, for example, of your bedroom. The place for rest and tranquillity must necessarily be comfortable and functional, free from excessive pieces of furniture or “obstacle courses” to go to sleep.

To provide a nice and relaxed atmosphere, it is necessary to move comfortably and freely, to lighten the composition as much as possible (with a few decorations featuring simple subjects, avoiding an excess of knick-knacks or other non-functional objects) thus favouring compact and essential furnishings, and creating a clear and bright palette.

You can take inspiration from the new Adora, Luce and Poesia collections that with their furnishings draw strength from simplicity, fully reflecting the spirit of roominess and lightness we have talked about, or choosing the refined features of the bedroom from the Diamante collection.

Whatever the choice, furnishing the home with any of the contemporary Adora collections for living room and bedroom means focusing on elegance, which does not come from the accumulation of many luxury furnishings, but from a design that is simple and features first and foremost quality.

Adora has made the Made in Italy furniture tradition its flagship, offering collections that are rooted in traditional craftsmanship and, at the same time, reflect trendy design.

Think, for example, of the added value of a showcase for the dining room embellished with decorated handles, or the stylistic value of a coffee table framed by gilded edges framing the sofa area. Only quality can accomplish the true elegance of the contemporary style.

Possibilities are endless; you just need to choose the right furnishing elements and accessories for your home carefully. Simplicity becomes elegant, if you make the right choices quality-wise.

To this end, we would like to remind you that contemporary style is very much in line with high-quality made-in-Italy products.

In interior design and in many other fields, made-in-Italy products are always a guarantee of elegance and functionality.


Functional and classy


4. More attention to nature and sustainability

Interior design - just like many other aspects of our lives - cannot prescind from sustainable and environmental aspects.

Contemporary design honours this theme, by choosing wild nature in its fabrics - and also in furnishing accessories. This natural aspect is reprised on curtains, cushions, and, in some cases, wallpaper (to be used on a single wall only, in a targeted and harmonic way).

Leaves, forests and tropical flowers will be the background of some of the corners in your home, giving it a natural and cool touch, even in more urban contexts.

Also the fabrics and colours of the sofa area tend to be neutral, soft tones that remind the earth and its different shades. The Ambra sofas part of the Adora collectionfor example, come in shades of beige and ivory and are embellished with elegant bronze finishes.

Natural fabrics such as cotton and linen are very trendy, combined with hemp or canvas cushions, perfect because they create an immediate feeling of well-being and closeness to nature.

Even materials are selected with sustainable aspects in mind. Natural materials - such as wood or stone - are favoured in this context, to make more sustainable choices even in your interior design.


More attention to nature and sustainability


5. Contemporary interior design: endless possibilities of customization

Lastly, we would like to reveal to you an aspect that will make contemporary interior design your favourite style: customization.

Such a versatile style, always ready to welcome new ideas, embraces any kind of personality, thanks to its nature. It is continually evolving, and it can help you customize your home more easily.

Anyone can find in this style the perfect furniture for their home, whilst staying true to their own taste and personality.


Looking for inspiration to furnish your home in perfect contemporary style?

Jelena Raicevic

As part of the commercial department, Jelena Raicevic loves to discover different cultures and trends, mainly related to the furnishing worlds.