
3 Contemporary wall sconces for your living room

By Lorena Fulgini
18 February 2021

Styles, Interior Design Items


When designing the architecture of a space, lighting definitely plays an important role. And in the living area, light is crucial.

Illuminating the living room with a contemporary wall sconce, for example, by placing it in the right places, can be a very interesting solution.

You will no doubt have to pay attention to the amount of light points you want to place in the room, since the wall lamp may generate light that is weaker or less direct than the neon light in the kitchen or the large chandelier in the dining room.

The choice of the wall lamp, however, denotes a refined taste and careful planning of a well thought out environment from the point of view of both design and non triviality.

Choosing the right style of a wall sconce is also not that straightforward, because it has to match wisely with the style of the other lighting points and furniture in the entire room.

Also worth keeping in mind is that contemporary interior design requires a lot of attention in balancing elements that recall the past with more modern elements. And this is another aspect that you need to take into account when deciding which model you prefer.

This is why we want to guide you in the choice of the right wall lamp for your living room - by offering some examples and suggestions - so that you can match it as best as possible with other lamps or chandeliers already present in the room while harmonizing the entirety with the design of your contemporary living room.


3 Contemporary wall sconces for your living room


Living area lighting: a key role in the division of space

Today, more so than in the past, the lighting in the living area plays a very important role, especially with regard to the division of space.

The living area of contemporary homes is increasingly oriented towards open space and it is no longer easy to create a clear division between the kitchen, living room and dining room.

This is why the arrangement of lamps, chandeliers and wall lamps should not be random, because it can help - through the choice of colours, materials and models - to divide the spaces in a harmonious and intelligent way.

Wall lights, in particular, play a very important role in this sense, because they can help to divide spaces and, at the same time, they can create unity connections.

A model of a contemporary wall lamp, for example, can be repeated in several points of the living area - in different environments - but with small variations in colour or decorative details, so as to differentiate the spaces, while maintaining the same basic harmony.


3 Types of contemporary wall sconces

As already mentioned, a contemporary style is the result of a skilful union of past and present.

Therefore, in order to obtain a living room that is perfectly in line with the standards of a contemporary style, you will need to keep in mind this rule of design even when choosing wall lights.

If the space you are going to illuminate is already full of elements with a design and shapes more linked to the past, we recommend you opt for minimalist lighting points and more modern shapes. This way you will get the right balance between the various pieces of furniture.

If, on the other hand, the furnishing of your living room is more oriented towards modernity in terms of shapes and colours, you can make a harmonious contribution to the design of the environment by choosing more classic lighting points, rich in precious details.


1. Wall lamp with a classic shape and metal details

The first model of wall sconces that we wish to present to you has rather classic features, as far as its shapes are concerned. The lines, in fact, are curved and not too squared and the light is emitted from the top of the lamp.

The metal details of the supports and their more linear shape balance - from a design point of view - the soft shapes of the lamp, giving it the right touch of modernity.

This style of wall lamp gives off a diffused light and is suitable for living rooms where there is already more decisive lighting, perhaps from a large ceiling chandelier.


2. Minimalist wall sconce with neutral colours

Perfectly suited to any room in the house, this style of wall sconce is very simple and its presence is almost imperceptible within the room.

It is generally rectangular or square in shape. It doesn't have any particular decorations and gives off a rather strong light, both from the top and the bottom of the lamp.

The colours are neutral, preferably in various shades of white, cream or beige.

It adapts perfectly to an environment with important furniture, rich in details, and to the architectures of environments that are already very characterized (think of the high ceilings of some old houses with stuccoes or decorations of various kinds, or of walls decorated with wood paneling).

The minimalist design of this kind of wall sconce, in fact, is necessarily designed to create the right contrast of style with more classic environments, thus creating that perfect combination of past and present typical of a contemporary style.

If positioned in the right places in the room these wall lights are sufficient to give the right lighting to your living room without the need to add other elements, such as chandeliers or lamps.


Contemporary wall scone: minimal wall sconce


3. Decorative wall light with a characterful design

A final wall sconce model that fits perfectly into the contemporary design concept is a very distinctive wall sconce in terms of style.

Whether ultra-classic or ultra-modern in design, this kind of wall lamp does not hide behind the other furniture in the room, rather it draws attention to itself thanks to its original and bold design details.

Designed for living rooms that want to impress their guests, the decorative wall sconce can boast more classic details (such as elegant and bright pendants) or more modern details (such as dark coloured metal supports and angular shapes).

The important thing is that it becomes the protagonist of the wall in which it is placed.

In this sense, the lamp is no longer a support for lighting, but becomes a piece of furniture par excellence, which fills important spaces - such as, for example - the wall behind a sofa with a perfectly contemporary design - almost like a contemporary art painting.

The choice of this wall lamp is suitable for stylish, glamorous and avant-garde homes.


Not just lighting: creating the perfect atmosphere with light

When deciding on the type of contemporary living room lighting, you're not just studying the location of the light points or choosing the style of lamps. Lighting, in interior design, means creating the right atmosphere.

Choosing a more direct light or a more diffused one can radically change the perception of space and the feeling you can have in experiencing it.

When choosing the right contemporary wall sconce for your living room, therefore, you will complete the furnishing of your room, giving a new atmosphere to spaces already perfectly designed and furnished with style and elegance.


Lorena Fulgini

Co-founder, Marketing Manager and Sales manager, Lorena loves the elegant design of furniture and precious details.
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